Wednesday 11 January 2012

My expectation or goals of taking this course:

Indonesia is a develop country. Indonesia need to have a skilled human, especially to competate with the other country.
How to make it be?
By education!

In Indonesia, education mostly supported by good and skilled teacher.
I am one of teacher candidate so I want to be treated tobe a professional teacher.
By taking this class, I hope I can add my skill at computer as one tool to teach student.

As far I know, internet is a word wide tools to separate idea. and I want to be teacher by making website especially education website so whole of the world student (primary student) can learn.

In Indonesia, teacher that competence in operating computer as teaching media is rare. I want to be a teacher that competence in making cyber media.

one fact children like to spare his or her time by browsing and playing online... so why I don't use that chance to implant education, knowlede by planting it in internet

I also want to mastery game offline or application in education purpose...

:) thanks


Steve said...

Good job Yohana... It seems that you have already familiar with blogging.


Mr. Steve (30045)

Anonymous said...

girl with her dream....hwaiting!!!

G1320A Computer as Teaching and Learning Tool said...

good job yo yo

Anonymous said...

nice idea sister..

Unknown said...

yep.... ganbarimasu!!

Unknown said...

hehehe... yes.. thanks... (^o^)d

Unknown said...

wkwkwkwkwk... thats just the opening...